Thursday, March 13, 2008

Horrible Day

You ever have those days where everything makes you feel like crap? And you can't figure out why?
my word, today was one of those, times ten! It was just a flat out horrible day! and I don't know if anyone will read this, but I thought it might make it better to just type it!

Here's to hoping tomorrow is better!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Finally stopped procrastinating!

So I finally stopped procrastinating on turning in my college applications! Pretty bad it took me so long too, since they were online! anyway I just have to send my transcript and then I just wait!

I also figured out that i didn't have the papers I needed for turning in my graduation, you know that one were I brag about myself and ALL I have accomplished so far in my life? But, kevin saved the day and is gona make copies! So on with the bragging! lol. Actually Bri really wanted to write it so I think she is gona!
Well off to write a paper instead of blogging!
luv, tate