Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh I almost forgot!!

I got the MOST amazing presents for my birthday from some of the most amazing people!!
First Kevin got me a tiara, earrings, ring set. (btw if you aren't a 17 y/o girl you prolly don;t know but that is like THE dream come true!!) AND he got me a magical wand that goes "dee ding!" whenever i wave it at someone, a broken recorder ( he didn't buy it broken which i think makes it that much more awesome!) , a magic trick knife with a green blade that i stab people with and they think they actually got stabbed (secret:the blade actually just goes back into the handle! Sh...don't tell anyone! :) )and a learning to use the potty book, with a button the makes the sound of a flush and then kids start giggling....creepertastic to say the least!! :)
Ben got me a beautiful bracelet with a super cute friend note. AND a star trek card which was seriously hilarious but i made the mistake of reading rather then listening and i think they were bummed i didn't think it was funny, which isn't true i just always have to like read it and find the funny side when i see something about star trek because i've never seen it so i am always like"PUT ON THE SPOT!! SHITE!! WHAT DO I DO!!" hint: star trek not that complicated and you can actually figure jokes about it out pretty easily! :)


AHH....freshman year of college....Am I like the only freshman that really really really didn't want to go back to school?? Oh well it will all be fine! It actually might even be fun. I mean I LOVE learning new things, but getting quizzed on them, a little less love in that department. all!!! :)
However life in general is awesome!!! God is just an awesome God!! He has given me the most amazing friends and family, and just an great life!!! And most of all he has blessed me with faith and loves me which at times seems like it must be a huge task!!! :) Because I'm not gona lie i can really be a brat, but all in all i try to be nice!! :P

Just turned 17, you know how when people asked how it feels, the patent answer is "Same as 16" it doesn't though!! Its like i have reached the age that was OLD when i was a kid! Not that that is such a BAD thing persay just weird.
But all in all this is just a little update to my lifeand maybe I'll actually keep up with it!! ...maybe!!