Sunday, October 26, 2008


HELP ME!!!! Stress is eating me alive!!!! I have so many important tests and a HUGE paper to study for this week!!! So far this year i have been pretty good about not freaking over tests well thats because mostly this year i have LEARNED what the test was over...not this time. My Sociology is always a bit hit and miss, but American Lit...holy SHITE!! Not good news. or as bri says no bueno!
My room is a mess, my bathroom is worse, and all i can think about is getting through these tests finally getting some sleep and then finally cleaning my room!!! I know i'm stressed when i am EXCITED about using my saturday that i am not working for cleaning my room!!!
Well off to studying!!! Peace!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally posting again!

So I am finally posting! Courtney said to me "How you blogged yet this week!?!" But i might point out she has either!! :)

Anyway! So Purple Cows got a bid for Regionals so i am heading to Wisconson this weekend!! it should be awesome amounts of fun!!Dad and Mom bought be a underarmour pink sweatshirt and coldgear tights!! Which is awesome!! Especially since Wisconson isn't known for its warmth in october!!

Also!! Dad got his contract for McFarland Clinic and is putting in his 30 days today!!! I am SOOO EXCITED FOR HIM!!!!!!
Okay well i am FREEZINg so i think i am going to go....maybe buy some hot chocolate!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cancelled Class!!

So it was kinda crazy getting to school today i was about to walk out the door when ty tom called mom and said she should go check out the stuff at re-store. so then mom decides she will drop me off and brandon and james will go to the re-store. (keep in mind if i was about to leave its time for me to NOW!) So we get out the door and i get to school in time to hurry in to my class, as i am about to walk into my building i see one of my classmates coming out. So i think "hmm I had more time then i thought!! Great because i didn't get that literature we read at all!! I can look it over again!" Well no need! because when i walk in there is the glorious lil Hot pink slip of paper proclaiming class....CANCELLED!! Hallajuah!! Now i am off to continue studying sociology so i hopefully won't flunk this test!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sociology studying!!!

AHHH!! just deleted the post I just typed !a whole post saying how i need to study for my test tomorrow but am having a really hard time just sitting down and studying!!! Because though i'm sure its 75% my fault (see: I'm blogging at the moment whne i should be studying!) but stuff just keeps coming up. Well i best get back at it if i want to go to ultimate tonight!! Its just that sociology is sooooo B-O-R-I-N-G!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time Travel??

FOr some reason my blog always says I posted two hours before I did!! So I'm not skipping class to blog people!! If i get there I think i need to seek help!! :)

Waiting for Anatomy!

Okay!! so I normally enjoy my hour and a half break between sociology and anatomy it gives me time to study....but if i have already studied it i am just bored reading the notes, but at the same time I don't want to do my other homework in case a unrefresh my studying...hmmm

on another awesome note just polished off the biggest bag of grandma's vanilla cookies i have ever seen out of a vending machine!!! This thing was freaking huge!! = AWESOME!!!
I also hear that we maybe watching Heroes tonight!!! LOVE THAT SHOW!!!! i do love it though... :)
oh my word!! I was sitting on one of the picnic tables studying and this guy walks past with his arm around (I was assuming his girlfriend but she didn't look super happy so who knows?) but he is belting out the rap song that is playing on his headphones which he has in one ear. and i hear her say "YOu know this isn't fun for me!?!" haha! If you are gona a date a guy that goes around singing in public with you make sure he is good!! annyway i should probably go study...:(


AHHH!!! I hate tests and love them at the same time!!! I hate them for the obvious reason that they are tests and suck!! But i also love getting out of class 1 hour early!!

Well i had three tests today and i have done two so go me!!!! :) no but seriously today was the easy tests!! :( i have my sociology test on thursday and my teacher is about the facts of sociology not just BS!!!! how weird is that??
But then.....then...when i am done i have.....SECTIONALS!!!!! I CAN"T WAIT!!! This is so awesome that i get to go!!
Well I have half an hour to study before sociology but...i jsut don't really feel like it!!! hmmm....normally I'm pretty good about not procrastinating but when i do...i can procrastinate the hell outta my homework!! :p
Well I'm actually going to go read my sister's blogs before i go to class!! Cya

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Great weekend, pierced ears, and back to school!

SO this weekend was awesome!!! I'm not even totally sure WHY it was so awesome! it just was!!
But it was super chill and i had time to hang out with the family which is seriously prolly why it was awesome!
Then monday was sweet! Went to get my cartiledge pierced with chels and bri, and then mrs.armstrong was going to come to be my "legal guardian" and sign the paper. When in reality i just had bri scribble on the signature line.... but was super nice to have Iris there and Courtney came too!! AAAANnd they both got their ears double pierced!! so tell what is a better bonding experience then mutal pain and a lil bit of fear?!?! :)
But now i am back to school...and have half an hour til my first class...thankfully don't have any tests today but i do on thursday in government and have NO idea what to expect!! but whatever!! I guess maybe we will find out today!!
well gona go walk over to my building and maybe catch kev as he is leaving!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


WEll I DID find coffee but what i found next to it was even better!! Hot chocolate!! It was actually pretty good...whether thats my numb hands that could finally feel again talking or if this slightly watery with a little bit of powder left top was really as amazing as it seemed...who knows!! I may just have to try it when my hands can feel even before i buy it!!
Anyway one more class today!! YAH!! THough i work all day tomorrow...:( but then i get to go hang out with my people from kansas!!!..:) :) :)!!! And then i have saturday morning off to do some homework then kansas people again!!! so it shouldn't be too bad a weekend. Hopefully will be quite awesome actually!!
Though tuesday i have three tests!! AGH!!! Suckage!! oh well!!
anyway on a happier note bri is off tonight i am off it will be fun evening prolly filled with random weirdness that makes sisters so awesome!!
anyway don't have much more to write!! Though good thing about being super busy with school you are normally home doing homework hence you get to be around your younger sibs....bad note: it seems super hard to find time to hang out with your friends!!


My word DMACC keeps like all its buildings stinking cold!! I'm off to go try to find some coffee!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend and back to school

Title pretty much says it all!! I'm back at it!! AGH! oh well its actually going pretty well!
bummer thing though! Didn't get my ear pierced!! the piercer was gone!! Oh well going to do it another time!!
labor day picnic was a blast seeing everyone again!! And was just an awesome day in general even though i ended up getting soaked!! Josiah toomey thought it would be funny and poured water on me then all the kids thought that was pretty funny and started also!! grr! lol but what can i say?!?! I still love those kids!! Softball was mildly humorous as we had about 20 people on EACH team!!
I am in between classes have an hour til anatomy and then anatomy lab then HOME!!! I really am super gratiful for my schedule but my gosh i am ready to go home by 5!! :)
plus i didn't eat this morning cuz nothing looked good and now i am STARVING!!! :)
well best go back out of this overly AC'd building, and out to study in this incredible weather God has switched it to out there!! And maybe see if the cafeteria takes debit!!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Yikes!! this year is going so crazy fast!!!
Today should be awesome though!! We are haveing a church picnic with like all FIVE reformed churches in des moines!! so see some old friends and hang with some new!!
But I am going to get my ear cartilage pierced!!! I AM SOOO EXCITED!!! and a lil nervous!! But i have wanted to get it done so long!! Chels will hopefully be here soon! She is going to get her's pierced and so is Bri!!
Anyway should probably get off and do something mildly productive before we leave!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh I almost forgot!!

I got the MOST amazing presents for my birthday from some of the most amazing people!!
First Kevin got me a tiara, earrings, ring set. (btw if you aren't a 17 y/o girl you prolly don;t know but that is like THE dream come true!!) AND he got me a magical wand that goes "dee ding!" whenever i wave it at someone, a broken recorder ( he didn't buy it broken which i think makes it that much more awesome!) , a magic trick knife with a green blade that i stab people with and they think they actually got stabbed (secret:the blade actually just goes back into the handle! Sh...don't tell anyone! :) )and a learning to use the potty book, with a button the makes the sound of a flush and then kids start giggling....creepertastic to say the least!! :)
Ben got me a beautiful bracelet with a super cute friend note. AND a star trek card which was seriously hilarious but i made the mistake of reading rather then listening and i think they were bummed i didn't think it was funny, which isn't true i just always have to like read it and find the funny side when i see something about star trek because i've never seen it so i am always like"PUT ON THE SPOT!! SHITE!! WHAT DO I DO!!" hint: star trek not that complicated and you can actually figure jokes about it out pretty easily! :)


AHH....freshman year of college....Am I like the only freshman that really really really didn't want to go back to school?? Oh well it will all be fine! It actually might even be fun. I mean I LOVE learning new things, but getting quizzed on them, a little less love in that department. all!!! :)
However life in general is awesome!!! God is just an awesome God!! He has given me the most amazing friends and family, and just an great life!!! And most of all he has blessed me with faith and loves me which at times seems like it must be a huge task!!! :) Because I'm not gona lie i can really be a brat, but all in all i try to be nice!! :P

Just turned 17, you know how when people asked how it feels, the patent answer is "Same as 16" it doesn't though!! Its like i have reached the age that was OLD when i was a kid! Not that that is such a BAD thing persay just weird.
But all in all this is just a little update to my lifeand maybe I'll actually keep up with it!! ...maybe!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Horrible Day

You ever have those days where everything makes you feel like crap? And you can't figure out why?
my word, today was one of those, times ten! It was just a flat out horrible day! and I don't know if anyone will read this, but I thought it might make it better to just type it!

Here's to hoping tomorrow is better!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Finally stopped procrastinating!

So I finally stopped procrastinating on turning in my college applications! Pretty bad it took me so long too, since they were online! anyway I just have to send my transcript and then I just wait!

I also figured out that i didn't have the papers I needed for turning in my graduation, you know that one were I brag about myself and ALL I have accomplished so far in my life? But, kevin saved the day and is gona make copies! So on with the bragging! lol. Actually Bri really wanted to write it so I think she is gona!
Well off to write a paper instead of blogging!
luv, tate